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Branch 4

For genealogical information about this branch of the family, contact us. The family trees will enlarge if you click on them. There are two stories that mention branch 4 Braunds on our Braund Stories page, Vote for Another Braund and Braunds in Nineteenth Century Kent.


Branch 4 is one of the larger branches, headed by John and Zenobia Braund née Colwill, who married in Black Torrington, Devon in 1683 and had ten children in nearby Bradford. Zenobia’s ancestry can be taken back a further two generations. Most early generations of branch 4 Braunds were farmers or farmer workers.












Of John and Zenobia’s three sons, it is almost certain that the youngest, Hugh, died as an infant. Christopher, the eldest, had three sons and eight daughters. The only one of Christopher's sons who is known to have had children is William (c.1731-1773), who had eight children by three women. In 1782, Elizabeth Braund, William’s daughter and great granddaughter of John and Zenobia, married John Rooke. The descendants of their eldest son, William Rooke, took the surname Braund, so some members of branch 4 descend through a female Braund. Some members of this part of branch 4 settled in London.


John and Zenobia’s second son, John, had five children. The only known descendants are from John junior’s youngest son, Hugh, who married Jane Norcott in 1768.
















Humphrey Braund, who married Mary Dayman in 1795, took his family to Hartland and many branch 4 Braunds can trace their ancestry back to Hartland. Other descendants of Humphrey went to work in the slate quarries in St.Teath, Cornwall and some emigrated to Canada, where they adopted the surname variation Bround. There are also a number of Humphrey’s descendant who are in South Australia. Lewis Richard and Owen Harris Braund, who perished on the Titanic, descend from Hugh and Jane’s son, William.


Some Braunds descend from both branches 1 and 4, as Frances Perkin, granddaughter of branch 4’s Sarah Braund, married Lewis Braund of branch 1. There are descendants in the USA.


Branch 4 family tree John and Zenobia
Branch 4 family tree Humphrey and Jane
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